This is a simple concept work for my second BDSM comic's content (Although my first BDSM comic is still on hold, lol). Captured soldiers being interrogated and tortured stories are always my favourites! Manly acting, strong, tough, pain, sweating, resisting, struggling, dignity broken, failed and cummed exhaustedly.






A team of special ops was operating a mission to investigate the enemy's scientific factory location and inflitrate into the facilities for stealing their scientific project data. Five of them, after located the enemy's camp, by their combat tactic, they have taken down half of the enemy's armed force. But unluckily, one of the escaped enemy's soldier activated the alarm system and the enemy's reinforcement has come in every direction. The special ops team keep killing them but the incoming enemy force was endless. They fought till their last bullet was used up. Even they have the mighty combat skills, but the rival force has outnumbered them. They were finally defeated, caught and unarmed.


Brought to the enemy's camp, they were being brutally beaten and interrogated, but their mouths were zipped without leaking a word. Then after two weeks of interrogation, the enemy was still unable to get this special ops team's secret missions info. The enemy's camp commander decided to give them to "They".


The ops team was delivered secretly into a huge scientific factory, they were eyes masked and cuffed. By the purpose to humiliating them, before they entered the great gate of the factory, they were forced to undress. Five of them were naked outdoor with cuffed feet, laughed by the enemy's soldiers. Not for long, the enemy's men pushed them to enter the gate, after that, they were unmasked, and they were led to walk along the great corridor, along both side are many rooms or labs. They heard many noises of men yelling and groaning in pain and agony. When they enter to the deepest part of the corridor, they were pushed into a big room, Five steel experiment beds with thick leather cuffs are placed in the room, while there are 20 scientists who are staring at them like a pack of hungry wolves.


The enemy's soldiers pressed each of them onto the steel experiment beds, gagged, neck, biceps, hands, legs and feet are firmly cuffed. Then, four scientists were assigned to each of them ( 4 in a group), firstly they gave each of them a detail body check, marked down their muscles group with scores, the scientists were very satisfied, and then 2 scientists per group remained. They started to measure their dick's length and diameter as well as the balls' weight. While another was measuring their nipples size and reported to adjust their nipples shape bigger in next experiment section. The scientists claimed that they have to collect a large sum of their pre-cum samples too.


Under the bright surgical light, they cannot see what the scientists doing on each of them, but their bodies had already told that they had raped by the freaky guys for 2 hours and that is a freaky gay exam. Their nipples are kept rubbing by those freaky guys' fingers, turned hard on and big, and the scientists that playing their erected cocks had collected a big glass of pre-cum. They used half of it to anoint and rub on their muscular bodies. Now their abused muscular bodies are shiny in the room under the bright light and what they can do is only . . . . to groan angrily . . . . . . (Now, the storyline becomes the comic STM - Superb Terrific Marines.)








If you are interested to my works, please also check my BDSM comics. Don’t miss them!